
stilt walkers show

stilt walkers show

almost classic
almost classic


«Almost Classic» stilt walkers show — an almost classic story of Lady and Gentleman about love in dance and with spectacular props.
Dance-theater production with a giant flag and flag-poi.

duration ~ 5 min
2 performers
price — 170 euro
duration ~ 10 min
2 performers
price — 250 euro
Tax and road are not included 


«Almost Classic» stilt walkers show — an almost classic story of Lady and Gentleman about love in dance and with spectacular props.
Dance-theater production with a giant flag and flag-poi.

duration ~ 5 min
2 performers
price — 170 euro
duration ~ 10 min
2 performers
price — 250 euro
Tax and road are not included
stilt walkers animation
Stilt walking animation — meet and greet guests, photo shoots, original support for photo zones, parades, openings, festivals, advertising your brand and any other events and spaces!
Stilt walkers — a win-win guarantee of a great mood for your guests!


-Elegant and impressive Lady and Gentleman!
-One of the scariest horror characters Slender Man!
-Rocking at any party Rave girl!
-Mysterious and funny Alice in Wonderland! 
-Light and sweet White Lady!
1/2/3 performer-s
duration up to ~ 30 min
price — 70/150/220 euro
1/2/3 performer-s
duration up to ~ 1 hour
price — 130/250/350 euro
Tax and road are not included 
stilt walkers animation
Stilt walking animation — meet and greet guests, photo shoots, original support for photo zones, parades, openings, festivals, advertising your brand and any other events and spaces!
Stilt walkers — a win-win guarantee of a great mood for your guests!


-Elegant and impressive Lady and Gentleman!
-One of the scariest horror characters Slender Man!
-Rocking at any party Rave girl!
-Mysterious and funny Alice in Wonderland! 
-Light and sweet White Lady!
1/2/3 performer-s
duration up to ~ 30 min
price — 70/150/220 euro
1/2/3 performer-s
duration up to ~ 1 hour
price — 130/250/350 euro
Tax and road are not included 


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